Safety equipment

Need safety equipment? FeniksGroup sells, rents and provides maintenance.

Safety equipment is present in every organisation. Which and how many are required can be deduced from the Building Decree and the Risk Inventory & Evaluation. We help you determine which safety resources are necessary and the best place to put them in the building. This way, you can be sure that in case of an incident or calamity, there will always be a complete and working safety equipment available. We also hire out safety equipment especially for events.

If you have your safety equipment checked and maintained by FeniksGroup’s safety experts, you can always be sure that all safety equipment is in good working order and sufficiently stocked. Without you having to worry about it.

Contact us for current rates for purchasing or checking/maintaining your safety equipment. Or fill in the request form on this page and we will contact you.


In addition to our range of safety equipment, we also provide Risk Advisory and Education & Training.


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